2nd Entry

Anything in this world changes.That is a fact. So even System in companies do changing in thier management eventhough they were satisfied with it. Everything is subject to changes.

Let us see how Lapanday deals with the changes study

Changing the system is important because it reforemats the current error
that renders the progress of the company.
But changes does not only mean more progress to the company but also risk that may happen.
Changes may somehow be implemented for the goodness of the company but sometimes
it may cause conflicts maybe to the management, business flows or the manpower itself.

risk on the management-the management itself implements the system.but the
risk is what if the management could not handle well the newly implemented
system and instead of bringing the company up,it'll just pull it down.

risk on the business flows- not all changed system/IS/business works thouroughly.
For instance the information system is not comaptible in the business. That is a risk.
or the company boasts its business flow and strategy as one of its strengths yet the newly implemented system hinders the company flows.

risk on manpower- there is always the so called resistant on the manpower when implementing
the new system. It may be because they doesnt like the new system or they could not adopt on the changes.


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