Importance of the human Resources

Human beings are one of the most important and most essential component in an organization. Important in the sense that with the human labor force, an industry could generate its functions from the simplest clerical jobs to the critical chairman of the board. It is potent, in the sense that corporations look for a skilled labor force armed with talents and mind for innovation. It is the key for the success of the industry if it is well-managed. Human beings are critical to handle because man has his own free will. Man is molded with norms that guide him in decision making. When he is tasked to do something, he would consult it to what he think is right and wrong. Aside from that, man look on his job description, he won’t do any task he ought not to do, when mishandled he would certainly protest and demand for his own good and right.

But on the other hand, human beings are the least understood and worst handled resources because leaders do not look forward to the welfare of their labor force. What they look forward to is the profit they could get. Employees are neglected most of the time, their rights and privileges are set aside and most of the time abused,without even realizing that without the human labor force, no industry will ever survive..


tina_ said...

..Luckily, corporations nowadays know better. (I think) They all now try to handle human resource properly and cautiously because if they don't, they know for sure that their company will definitely go down.


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